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Not sure of the condition of your roof.
Would you like to see a close up of the chimney, gutters and roof penetrations?
There is no longer a reason to worry with our Peace of Mind Inspection we provide a bird’s eye view of your home then we swoop in and capture pictures showing the condition of your roof, gutters, roof penetrations, valleys etc. This can prove invaluable when dealing with contractors to address issues or seeking repairs.
The base package starts at $175.00 and is tailored to your needs.
We will point out areas of concern and in most cases provide recommendations on how best to address.

Remedy One Home Inspections llc, employees FAA Licensed and Insured Drone Pilot’s to inspect your roof at NO extra cost this service is included with all standard home inspections weather permitting.

Not many inspection companies can say that?

As noted in the N.J.-S.O.P. home inspectors are not required to walk on roofs and in reality that maybe a good thing since walking on a roof can be harmful to the roof, shingles can be damaged when under walking pressure. As a result many inspectors for their own safety and to prevent damage to the roof, which is MOST inspectors will complete roof inspections from the ground with binoculars and by going into the attic, some may climb a ladder and look at the roof from the roof edge. These methods can in some cases detect problems, but are extremely limited.


That is why Remedy One Home Inspections inspects all roofs via Drone technology providing us that up close and personal inspection. Drone inspections eliminate risk, provide safety to staff and others and allows for up close review and picture capture of problematic areas you can NOT capture off the ladder or from the ground.

Knowledge is power so why not have that Peace of Mind and call us today at 732-680-2114 or click here to schedule an appointment

Remedy One Home Inspections

©2021 Remedy One Home Inspections llc.

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